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The rapporteur of the 3rd Coast Guard Region Command informed the basic contents of the Law of the Sea of Vietnam; Law on Vietnam Coast Guard; Law on drug prevention; the legal provisions in the prevention and combat of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing... Vblink Slots, To realize the above expectation, the Indonesian Government is studying policies to attract Fintech companies to invest in the new capital, such as corporate tax exemption for banks and insurance companies, as well as Islamic financial companies. Not only that, the Government of Indonesia is considering exempting the income tax of employees in the financial sector until 2032 and then reducing the tax by 50%. Tax relief also applies to foreign workers. With such drastic actions, President Widodo's administration expects the new capital to be not only the political and administrative center of the country, but also the main economic and financial center of Asia.

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In Vietnam, from 2007 until now, the Steering Committee for Voluntary Blood Donation at all levels has organized activities in response to the International Blood Donor Day on June 14 to recognize and honor the noble deeds of blood donors. Blood donors. Vblink Login, It is expected that the government will announce details of ensuring a stable financial source for the package of measures this year.

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Besides, he proposed tax reform measures in the context that the number of billionaires in the US has increased to about 1,000 people. ultrapanda.com, In addition to his talks with President Fattah El-Sisi, Prime Minister Modi will meet with high-ranking officials of the Egyptian Government, some famous Egyptian figures, as well as the Indian community in Egypt. .

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